A Happy New Year's to all! It's been a while since my last post, but reflecting upon the last twelve months, I'd have to say it's been an awesome knitting year! I've been able to finish a lot more projects this past year than I've ever been able to and get back into spinning. I joined sweetgeorgia's fibre club and made it to Gibsons' Fibrefest. I've enjoyed knitting for our new baby (cardis, socks, mary-janes, Pebble Vest) the boys (Kiddie Cadet hats and mitts), a niece and nephew (Boheme and Owl Vest), a sister (Give a Hoot Mittens), and friends (various mitts and hats--baby to adult). I still have quite a few unfinished projects around the house (mainly for me), but I'll slot them into my 2010 New Year's resolutions.
The last days of 2009 were spent making the comfort dolls above. They were inspired by a comfort doll that D received in the hospital when he was three after undergoing a tongue tie procedure. After I found the pattern and made one out of leftover worsted cotton (the one in the striped red shirt), I couldn't stop. These dolls are very addicting! If you have a stash as big as mine with a lot of partial skeins here and there, this is THE pattern for you to make some little person very happy! My boys even carry their doll off to bed with them.
Health and happiness to all and may 2010 be full of new adventure and opportunities!