There's been a whole lot of knitting going on here lately...... just no camera to take photos with to show you. Unfortunately, we had a break-in here recently and the thief got away with some of our beloved stuff, one specific item being the Olympus DSLR E-500 Evolt. It's slightly killing me here being without a camera while Vancouver is enjoying a stretch of great weather and some spectacular cherry blossoms down our residential streets. However, we're grateful that we weren't home at the time of the break-in, that we have home insurance, and that we managed to take some photos of K with the Olympus a day before she turned two months.
K, as you can see, is plumping up and weighed in at 10 pounds, 10 ounces on the day she turned two months. We're thrilled to report that she's becoming more alert and is starting to coo and smile a lot at us, especially if we talk back to her. We just know she is going to talk as much as her two older brothers, if not out talk them.
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